Anita Harris Satkunananthan (Editor-in-Chief)

 Anita is an SFF author and poet. In her day job she is a senior lecturer (permanent) with a focus on the Postcolonial Gothic, Anthropocene Studies, Memory Studies and Geocriticism. Anita writes Gothic fiction, cyberpunk, nerdcore post-apocalyptic fiction, baroque planetary romances and various other forms of hyphenated weird fiction. Anita’s publishing credits include:  Beneath Ceaseless Skies, The Dark, Clarkesworld, Strange Horizons, Lightspeed, Uncanny and more.

In her free time, Anita buries herself in books as though they aren’t a crucial part of her day job. Anita also enjoys playing chess against the computer, cooking and puttering about in her balcony garden, trying not to kill plants while she’s watering and nurturing weeds that are actually mutant ferns 🌿.

Eileen Gunnell Lee (Associate Editor)

 Eileen is a teacher, lecturer, and writer of sff and other interstitial stories. She is the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Stelliform Press. Eileen recently completed a PhD in English literature in which she focused on conceptualizing ecological breakdown and mythological exile in feminist and Indigenous science fiction from 1970 to the present. Her own fiction confronts the emotional and ecological effects of climate change and often hybridizes the scientific or technological with folk landscapes and ways of being. Eileen’s fiction has appeared on the Escape Pod podcast and in the 49th Parallels anthology from Bundoran Press. More stories are forthcoming from Galli Books and Selene Quarterly. Eileen is currently under the thrall of her two children, one ex-racing greyhound, a calico cat, and a growing collection of rare aroids. She enjoys walking among trees and foraging for wild mushrooms. She hasn’t poisoned herself yet 🍄.

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Nik Siti Maisarah Abd Rahman (Editorial Assistant)

 Nik Siti Maisarah is a postgraduate student from The National University of Malaysia (UKM) enrolled in the Post-Colonial Literatures in English M.A. Programme. Still trying to find her true vocation in life, currently she dabbles between making video essays, blogging and flash fiction writing. Her first blog post is featured on Crunch by nuffnang, a local website that serves as a content platform for inspiring youth. She also likes bloodsucking creatures, playing the 32-bit version of Castlevania games and wolves. Yes, wolves 🐺.

Rebekah Siah Angappan (Editorial Assistant)

 Rebekah  is enrolled as an M. A. student at the National University of Malaysia (UKM), specialising in the studies of Post-Colonial Literature. As a fervent reader and a former genetic scientist, her area of interests include works of Science Fiction, Gothic and Chinese mythology. Having won several championships, her enthusiasm in arts has motivated her to linger and expand in various fields of creativity. She is a musician and a freelance performer, painter, graphic designer, and during her free-and-easy hours, she takes delight in immersing in Mother Nature to pen her thoughts 🌳.